Web 3.0 is the most recent or developing phase of the internet’s evolution, as its name implies. The foundation of Web 3 or Web 3.0 is the idea of building a completely decentralized environment. This emerging field of technology thinks that the issues facing the modern internet and online ecosystem may be resolved by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cutting-edge technologies like blockchain.

Understand the concept of decentralisation by an example: you must all be familiar with Facebook and Instagram. When you share any data (such as photos, and videos) on these platforms, then these companies have rights to that data.

They can utilize your data to their advantage, or they can also delete it. It is also known as centralization. When you controlled by a one organization. However this will not be the case with Web 3.0. You will be the sole owner of your data and content.

In Web 3.0, your data will be saved on your network rather than relying on a single server, similar to Blockchain Technology.

Wikipedia – Blockchain, Web 3.O